Independent real estate advice
Real estate financing is usually associated with a step into a new phase of life. When making such an important decision, put your trust in a partner who will provide you with comprehensive, bank-independent support – without any conflicts of interest. Thanks to our large network, you benefit from high-quality financing options with attractive conditions.
Belvédère Asset Management is one of the largest independent asset managers in Switzerland and also offers you comprehensive expertise in real estate financing. We accompany and support you throughout the entire process with a holistic view of your financial situation.
Independent support for your customized financing

We have stood for expertise and continuity for over 20 years. Private and institutional clients rely on the security and discretion of our personal service. Thanks to sound training, the right empathy and many years of professional experience, you will receive the optimum solution for your needs in every situation.
We look forward to hearing from you.
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Belvédère Asset Management AG has taken the greatest possible care in compiling this information. However, there is no explicit or implicit claim or guarantee regarding accuracy, completeness or correctness. Investment recommendations may become outdated as a result of market developments and/or market fluctuations and are therefore only valid temporarily. Past performance is no indication of future performance.