We focus primarily on three core principles
that underlie all of our services, client relationships and actions.
We are interested in your personal success – and your interest is our mission. As a wealth management company that is not affiliated with any particular banks, we are committed exclusively to you and your requirements. We are free from any attachment to a particular bank and we use a wide variety of financial instruments available in the market. Our network of banks, brokers, lawyers, trustees and financial specialists as well as cutting-edge sources enable us to be thoroughly informed about all local and global, political and business factors that may be influencing the markets at any given time.

Open and honest communication is the basis for a long-term, trusting relationship. We adopt a transparent fee policy and will only engage in investments that are fully plausible to you. We will provide you regularly with comprehensive information on the performance of your assets.
Your portfolio should be as unique as you and your current situation in life. This is why we take the time to listen to you, understand you and, based on personal exchange, develop an investment strategy that meets every aspect of your requirements. We are convinced that regular exchange is essential for a good relationship to thrive in the long term. The mission we pursue is to give you the comfort of knowing that you and your wealth are in good hands.
In a constantly evolving world, only those with a vision will see where the journey needs to go. Only those who have a clear strategy in this dynamic environment will be able to remain on the path they have chosen and achieve their set goals. Therefore, we have defined the following mission that determines our actions:

The following values form the basis of our everyday, but not run-of-the-mill, work. They specify the standards we set for ourselves and for everything we do:

Our team is distinguished by long-lasting continuity, our strong commitment and motivation and our profound expertise.
Client Relationship Management - Team Glarus
Client Relationship Management - Team Zurich
Family Office & art
Legal, Compliance & Operations
Our Board of Directors consists of members, who represent, protect and consistently maintain our values, goals and principles.
Martin Landolt
- Chairman
Florian Marxer
- Vice Chairman
Rolf Bögli
- Member of the Board
Daniel Salzmann
- Member of the Board
Client relationship Management – Team Glarus
Family Office & Art
Our Board of Directors consists of members, who represent, protect and consistently maintain our values, goals and principles.
Martin Landolt
- Chairman
Florian Marxer
- Vice Chairman
Rolf Bögli
- Member of the Board
Daniel Salzmann
- Member of the Board
sustainability / esg
Value creation, transparency and sustainability are the cornerstones of our asset management. As a prudent and responsible wealth manager, we are committed to identifying and assessing opportunities and risks for our clients proactively and to adjusting our asset allocation accordingly. In this vein, we pay particular attention to compliance with ESG principles – i.e. with regard to the environment, societal concerns and corporate governance. This enables us to invest your assets to the best of our conscience, while promoting environmentally and socially responsible businesses and achieving a sustainable performance for you.
Consistent with our investment approach, we follow these ESG principles within our own business. To underline our commitment, we have joined the international UN Global Compact network and fully endorse the network’s 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption. We undertake to adopt these principles as a basis of our strategy and enshrine them throughout our business to strengthen our sustainable corporate culture of integrity. Our progress in implementing the ESG values will be disclosed annually.
«Our strength is our passion for what we do.»
True to this principle, we are proud of our engagement in the areas of culture, sports and community affairs. Our commitments contribute to regional value creation and forge strong partnerships to everyone’s benefit.
Sponsorship and donation requests
We can only consider sponsorship applications that are submitted to us in writing and include comprehensive project details.
Please send your application to:
Belvédère Asset Management AG, Sponsoring, Haupstrasse 45, 8750 Glarus